Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Lack of Leadership

The budget is another glaring example of the kind of incompetent, short-sighted economic mis-management that brought us the banks bailout and NAMA. I'm concerned that this current crop of 'politicians' now run the risk of jeopardising not only my future, but that of the next generation.

We need poiltical change in this country - we need thinkers who can challenge the dominant ideology of the current staus quo (if there even is one). We need a new political party.

Unfortunately, I genuinely think that many of those figures who really care about the state of the nation are so disillusioned with the political system that they would be fundamentally opposed to becoming involved in party politics in this country as we know it.

I worry that we’re that far gone that anybody who cares enough or who can see past the constructs of the political elite are just steering clear and withdrawing in the hope of self-preservation.

I don’t know what it would take for a group of similarly minded people to a) make a decision to collectively enter the political fray b) garner the necessary support c) challenge the hegemony that has ruled the political roost in this country since the civil war??

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Raising Cork

I'm supporting a fantastic event in Cork next Monday - ; I spoke to one of the organisers earlier and asked her how it came about; she told me that they were in the office last wednesday and heard mention of humanitarian aid for Cork, it hit home for them at that point that we are constantly asked to donate to humanitarian causes all over the world, and when a crisis lands on our doorstep then we all should step up. I commend them; it just shows us how we can pull together when we need to. Looking forward to a good night on Monday.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Follow the Money?

I've just finished reading David McWilliams latest treatise on the state of the Irish nation - Follow The Money; in analysing the decline of the Celtic Tiger, I think he has has captured the zeitgeist of a country in crisis. In his previous books he has predicted a multitude of predicaments that have combined to create the current mess.

While his current book is at times a 'haha, I told you so' pointed towards the 'establishment', he does once again go further and provide us with his opinions on where we are headed. What McWilliams doesn't always provide us with is perhaps a closer examination or exploration of just why we find ourselves in the position we are in. Yes, he points to causes and reasons for various problems; i.e the ridiculously easy flow of credit that fed the bubbles; but what he hasn't addressed and what interests me is just why, as a nation or people, we allowed this agenda to be set?

Why have we seen outside influences become so pervasive in Ireland? Why has our poltical culture been riddled with corruption, cronyism and incompetence? Why does such a proportion of the population either a) still not believe this to be the case or b) believe it and accept it? Why is there such political apathy amongst our younger generations (generation Y)? Why does there seem to be a collective sense of resignation and cynicism amongst these same generations? Is it justified?